To those who have read the Bible and understand part of it and those who haven’t read it all. Let me share an event in the Bible with you which will happen in our days (our generation).In Revelation 11, the Lord tells us that there will be two prophets the Lord Himself will anoint and send to the earth to help the body of Christ. These two prophets will be powerful to the point that their enemies who seek to kill them will die.
These two prophets will prophesy for 3.5 years and will perform many mighty signs by the power of God. They will torment the world by their prophesies. They have power to shut heaven so that no rain falls in the days of their prophecy, and they have power over waters to turn them to blood. They also have power to strike the earth with all plagues as often as they desire.
But when they finish their prophecies (assignment), the beast, the anti Christ will make war with them and kill them. Their bodies will lie on the streets for 3.5 days and the whole world will see their bodies on the street and rejoice. They will send gifts to one another in that time frame. They will rejoice because when these prophets speak, whatever they say will happen on earth.
Now let me help you to understand something. This revelation given to John, the Apostle was somewhere between 80-91AD as historian put it. But the astonishing thing about this event is that when the prophets die, the world will see their dead bodies on the street.
Many centuries ago, this prophesy could not have been possible. But in our age, it is possible. Because of internet and social media platforms, news travel faster. We have become connected through WhatsApp video, telegram or other live chats. So these two prophets who will be known in the world will not be celebrated but hated. So many across the globe will see their dead bodies perhaps on social media platform like YouTube or Facebook live or WhatsApp video call or FaceTime. People will broadcast live programs and news to show the world the end of these prophets. God already knew what our world will become and has given us this revelation.
So as we continue to develop and grow in innovation, know that this prophesy will be fulfilled in our time. And this event is part of the great Tribulation the Bible has spoken about. But after 3.5 days, these prophets will rise and ascend to God through the clouds and the world will watch this.
The Lord has given us signs of these times and we should not harden our hearts. Almost 2000 years ago, God spoke of how our world will be connected together to even witness the death of His two messengers.Jesus Christ is the only Lord and Saviour. Don’t be deceived in these days. He has given us His word to be a lamp to our feet and a light to our path. Find Jesus and receive His life.