When you read Genesis 19 about the account of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, there is something you can’t afford to miss.
In verse 1 of that chapter, the Bible states that “Now the two angels came to Sodom in the evening, and Lot was sitting in the gate of Sodom.”
To understand why Lot was at the gate on that evening, we must understand the symbolism of gates in the Bible. They denote points of access point and authority.
Though the angels had planned to stay in the city square to unleash the wrath of God upon the lawless people, Lot was able to direct them to his home and host them. By divine revelation and his righteousness, he saved himself and family.
In Isaiah 28:5-6, it is written that “in that day shall the Lord of hosts will be for a crown of glory and a diadem of beauty to the remnants of His people, for a spirit of justice to him who sits in judgment, and for strength to those turn battle at the gates.”
That being said, Lot, the righteous man who was distressed by the immoral conduct of the immoral people (2 Peter 2:7) was delivered by God, because ‘he turned the battle at the gate’ by influencing the angels to come to his home. It takes a man of the Spirit to walk in revelation and understanding.
There’s an ongoing spiritual battle taking place everywhere to influence people (both young and old) to live according to the dictates of the devil.
As believers, we need to begin or continue to share the truth of God’s word boldly without fear or intimidation because we are the salt of the earth. And also, as yeast influences the dough, so are we called to influence the world around us everyday.