Before the windows of heaven were opened and the fountains of deep were broken up in Genesis 7:11, to cause the flooding in the days of Noah, there wasn’t any unusual weather patterns that might have signal the end of that civilization.
But when the ark was prepared and ready, and Noah and family entered with the animals, all of a sudden the rains were on the earth. It was so sudden that the people could not have time to change their minds or hearts to believe Noah’s preaching.
Therefore, brethren, take note from them, and heed the warning from Jesus Himself, His Apostles and Prophets who have spoken to us by the Spirit concerning this last days.
Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living God is gathering His sheep, both Jews and Gentiles (John 10:16) and when the fullness have come in, He will appear with His angels and the heavenly saints in the skies to take those who are ready to be with Him and execute judgment on the ungodly.
Consider this and don’t be lacking in zeal, but faithfully serve the Lord, adhering to His commands and being a doer of His Word. Arise, and shine! Awaken from your sleep and trim your lamps again! For the the Sun of Righteousness will soon appear!