“Joshua and Caleb said “If the LORD is pleased with us, He will lead us into that land, a land flowing with milk and honey, and will give it to us.
Only do not rebel against the LORD. And do not be afraid of the people of the land, because we will swallow them them up. Their protection is gone is gone, but the LORD is with us. Do not be afraid of them (Numbers 14:8-9).”
Caleb and Joshua among the twelve spies saw something different and their report was contrary to what the other ten saw. They saw with their eyes of faith and believed in the God who brought them out of Egypt. All these twelve people had seen God’s mighty power demonstration in Egypt, but they still doubted His ability to defeat these giant race.
What have you said about the problem you’re facing now?Have you magnified those challenges more than God? Have you thought like the other ten spies? If yes, then I am here to tell you that God is far greater and mightier than billions of giants and demons combined. He, who is in you is greater than he who is in this world (1 John 4:4).
Don’t be shaken by the circumstances you are going through. Only believe in Jehovah Sabaoth- the Lord of Hosts; and He will prove to you that He is the only God who calls things into existence that do not exist. God is not done with you yet because He who has began a good work in you will bring it to a perfect end. When you have the spirit of Joshua and Caleb, you will indeed live above your problems and fulfill the purpose God has planned out for you.
God bless!