Often times, we are inspired by the Holy Spirit within us to diligently seek God for His counsel or direction for our lives. Other times too, our spirits are stirred up after reading or hearing the word of God. In Matthew 5:6, Jesus told us that ‘Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.” Also, in Isaiah 55:1, the word of God says “Ho!, Everyone who thirsts, come to the waters; and you who have no money, come, buy and eat.
From these above scriptures along with many others like John 6:35, we are made to understand that God is inviting us to His table so that we will be fully satisfied. We can believe that there are abundance on the table God sets before us. We are the ones who benefit when we long for God and His righteousness, because every thing comes from the Lord (2 Thessalonians 1:11). Thirsting for God often may drive us to a place of isolation. While many people are able to adapt to this situation, others, however are bothered or saddened by this. But its our persistence in the face of rejection and isolation that brings us closer to Him. God sometimes may hide His face from so that we may pursue Him with all our hearts and innermost being.
In several chapters in the book of Psalm, Psalm 13:1, 44:24 and 88:14, David says to God, “why do you hide Your face from me”? Whenever we begin to feel like David the king felt, this is the time we have to seek and pursue Him more. Because we understand that God does this so that we will hunger and thirst for Him. God desires to fellowship with us because He created us for His glory (Isaiah 43:7). Remember, God has declared that if we hunger and thirst for His righteousness, He will fill us. God is able to satisfy us with the living water the flows from the throne of Grace.